All About Porn Addiction
On this page are links to recommended sites that provide pornography addiction tools and information. Some of the sites are educational by nature, while others offer support groups and therapy.
NoFap is a website and community forum that serves as a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation. Its name comes from the slang term fap, referring to male masturbation Wikipedia. Terms such as PIED Porn-induced erectile dysfunction, PMO Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm and Fapping are part of the site’s terminology and can be found here.
Your Brain on Porn provides scientific resources and peer-reviewed studies to help educate individuals on the damaging and harmful effects of pornography. YBOP is by far the most comprehensive site about porn use and its harmful effects. On its research page, YBOP includes dozens of studies linking porn use to poorer mental and emotional health, decreased cognitive abilities, sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli.
The Laurel Centre provides sex and porn addiction therapy as well as support for partners of sex addicts. The center was founded by one of the leading sex addiction therapists, Paula Hall, a UKCP Accredited Sexual & Relationship Psychotherapist. Excerpt From the Site: “…however you choose to work with us, we will support you, not just in developing practical relapse prevention strategies, but also in overcoming the issues that have caused your addiction.”
Reboot Nation Is a community-based forum that serves as a support group for those who wish to “reboot their brains” from pornography. The site addresses issues such as erectile dysfunction, porn withdrawal, porn overuse, delayed ejaculation and premature ejaculation. Through its forums, members are able to support each other and share their knowledge and experience on their way to recovery.
Addicted to Internet Porn is the website and book title by porn addiction coach Noah Church, detailing his own personal journey. An excerpt: “Since quitting porn at the end of 2013, I have healed from my porn-induced erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation, and in the process, I discovered that porn use had been restricting my full potential for happiness, relationships, personal achievement, and more.” offers information about the various options for quitting porn such as: links to porn addiction 12- step groups, books about pornography addiction, religious resources for porn addicts, information about software that blocks pornography and links to the various online communities. An excerpt from the about page: “PornHelp's mission is to help people who want to stop using porn take the first step.”
Pornography Addicts Anonymous is a twelve-step program based on the twelve-step principles for recovery. The first program, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), was developed in the 1930’s with the purpose of helping its members overcome alcoholism. The Twelve-step method has been adapted to address porn overuse and help porn addicts recover. An excerpt: “We are many men and women who have suffered from our own addictive behavior. Having been isolated, alone, afraid, and sometimes filled with shame and grief, we now seek the experience, strength and hope of others who are recovering from this addiction.”
Resources For Parents
Protect Young Minds From the Site: “Teach your child to reject porn before It becomes a problem: “Parents must be proactive in teaching children what pornography is, why it’s harmful, and exactly how to reject it. Get going with our “How to Talk to Kids about Pornography” “Learn what to do when your child is exposed to pornography: Finding out that your child has been viewing pornography can be devastating. How you respond makes a big difference in helping your child begin healing…”
Go For Greatness From the Site: “Unfortunately, in the world today it’s almost inevitable that your children are going to come across porn whether deliberately or accidently. Its important you accept this so you can actively prepare them to navigate the very sexualized world out there. Remember even if you provide the absolute best protection at home, your kids will still most likely be exposed to porn outside the home at school or a friend’s place.”
Resources For Partners
“Unfortunately, in the world today it’s almost inevitable that your children are going to come across porn whether deliberately or accidently. Its important you accept this so you can actively prepare them to navigate the very sexualized world out there. Remember even if you provide the absolute best protection at home, your kids will still most likely be exposed to porn outside the home at school or a friend’s place etc.”