All About Porn Addiction
On this page are porn addiction videos from individuals who are willing to share their personal stories as well as doctors, therapists and scientists who provide information about the harm and consequences of today’s porn.
According to Arthur Moore after watching porn since age 13: “I started to notice how porn started to affect my life on an emotional level, where I’m a little bit more depressed after watching porn. I’m not inspired, I’m not creative, I’m generally less me.” According to him, he started to realize that porn has a negative effect on his life around 23, but “now I’m 34 and the shadow of porn is still chasing me.” During this video he describes the approach and tools which he used to help him regain his confidence and self- esteem and live a porn-free life.
One of the most watched videos about the harmful affect of pornography. In this video Ran Gavrieli is claiming that porn is nothing more than “filmed prostitution,” which leads to various issues in our society such as: the mistreatment, abuse and exploitation of women; body shaming amongst peer groups on social media (that at times leads to self-harm and suicide) and an inability to connect as human beings. During his Ted Talk Ran makes the point that “We are all vulnerable to pornography, it’s not just young people… and we should be very careful not only with what we put into our bodies in terms of food and nutrition, but with the nutrition of our mind.”
During this video one of the leading sex and porn addiction therapists, Paula Hall, discusses the danger involved in today’s porn. In her opinion, “Easy access and no education of risk means that more and more people are getting addicted without even knowing that it’s happening. Unlike any other addiction, sex addiction often has no physical consequences until it’s too late.” Paula Hall also discusses the pain endured by partners of sex and porn addicts and the devastation it creates in their own lives.
Gary Wilson is the host of and the author of the book Your Brain on Porn. An Excerpt from the TEDx Talks about this video: “In response to Philip Zimbardo's "The Demise of Guys?" TED talk, Gary Wilson asks whether our brains evolved to handle the hyperstimulation of today's Internet enticements. He also discusses the disturbing symptoms showing up in some heavy Internet users, the surprising reversal of those symptoms, and the science behind these 21st century phenomena.”
Mark talks about his first exposure to pornography which led to a decade long struggle with compulsive sexual behavior. He describes the porn withdrawal symptoms he experienced and his inability to be in a relationship due to porn overuse. Mark has been in recovery from porn addiction for the past few years and offers his advice “ I promise you don’t want to get started with it, you don’t want to look at it.” If you’re going through this, know that there can be an end to it…and you will find that it is better to be free.”
This video explains the prolonged neuroplastic effects of porn use on the brain and the role of dopamine in creating the addiction to porn. An excerpt: “ While Pornography may seem to simply facilitate an instinctual sexual response linked to millions of years of evolution, the truth is, pornography has dynamically changed over time ultimately molding our tastes and desires. The not so shocking truth is that pornography has profound consequences for the brain and acts in many ways like a drug.”
Dr. Donald Hilton, M.D., a neurosurgeon from the University of Texas talks about the research to uncover the harms of pornography. An excerpt: “There really is no good porn and we’re not speaking moralistically here or relatively, I’m speaking biologically. Pornography is not real. It’s not real in a natural way. We are not designed to consume pornography, we’re designed to have sexuality in a format that helps us survive, where it’s enjoyable for both parties, and pornography is a rewiring toxic form of human sexuality.”
Eli Nash tells his personal story of abuse, shame and fear and his struggle to free himself from porn addiction. An excerpt: “As Eli held the details of his own abuse secret for many years, he is now passionate about empowering others to speak up and to use their voice to be an agent of change in their communities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
In this video Gary Wilson, author and founder of talks about the harmful effects of internet porn. During the interview Gary talks about issues such as Performance anxiety; Escalation to more extreme content; porn-related problems such as erectile dysfunction and compulsive masturbation; women and porn; recovery differences between heterosexual and gay porn addicts; masturbation and frequency of orgasms during recovery without porn; prevalence of porn-related problems and the latest research into health effects of Internet porn.
One of the most popular videos by Krish Murali Eswar about the destructive power of pornography. Some of the topics discussed are pornography effects on the brain; one’s ability to analyze thoughts and stay introspective while struggling with pornography addiction; the importance of physical exercises and meditation and how it can help your recovery from pornography addiction.
Gabe Deem, the founder of Reboot Nation and a passionate advocate for competent sexual education discusses the "basics" of “rebooting.” In this video Gabe Deem answers questions such as: how do you know if porn is the cause of your problems and what to expect during recovery from porn addiction?” He shares his experience with Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED) and his recovery process.
This animated video is based on two studies: “Pornography addiction: A neuroscience perspective” and “Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption.” The video talks about the correlation between social anxiety and masturbation and how you can reduce your social anxiety by giving your dopamine receptors a break. From the video: “I talk about nofap and social anxiety. We go over the benefits for people who try to cut back and find new motivation for life…”